



Velocity-One 采用瑞士精密工艺制作而成,是无与伦比的品质和设计的见证。


采用精密度为 0.02 毫米的数控机床加工。

316 l 不锈钢

Velocity-One 由 316L 不锈钢制成,是一项终身投资。


每一把 Velocity-One 剃须刀都由手工打磨,力求完美,体现了对精湛工艺的执着追求。



STAND: Stand included




顶盖和底板结合在一起,就像一曲对称的交响乐,实现了完美和谐的圆形。这样的艺术效果是通过令人难以置信的先进而复杂的数控加工工艺实现的,精度极高,公差小至 0.02 毫米。此外,镜面抛光的表面确保了顺滑舒适的滑动,将剃须体验提升到了无与伦比的高度。









Velocity-One安全剃须刀与标准双刃刀片完全兼容。这些刀片不仅用途广泛,而且很容易获得,在全球多家零售商和网上商店均有销售,确保无论您身在何处,都能轻松获得 Velocity-One 带来的卓越剃须体验。







316 L 不锈钢

316 L 不锈钢





112 g

3.95 盎司


98 毫米

3.85 英寸


45 毫米

1.77 英寸



选择 Velocity-One 剃须刀不仅仅是一次购买,更是对质量和自我保健的终身投资。这款剃须刀不仅仅是一个简单的美容工具,它还体现了对卓越性能和耐用性的长期承诺。


每一把 Velocity-ONE 剃须刀都不仅仅是一种工具,更是一件具有自身特色的艺术品。每把剃须刀都有独一无二的编号和真品证书,彰显个性。


在 Velocity-ONE Razor 的底板顶部,你会发现刻有型号和序列号,使你的剃须刀真正独一无二。


除了有关 Velocity Razor 的有用信息外,产品通行证还包括一份真品证书。


每把 Velocity-One 剃须刀都享有终身保修,具体保修信息请参见随剃须刀附送的保修卡。

欢迎来到 Tedalus

Tedalus 位于瑞士的中心卢塞恩,是传统与现代美学融合的见证。我们致力于制造卓越的美容工具,将悠久的传统与现代的设计融为一体。


Customer Reviews

Based on 42 reviews

Excellent designed and highly polished razor that gives a close and comfortable shave

Mike Sakellaropoulos
Piece of art that delivers!

The Tedalus Velocity-one has quickly become my favorite among my collection of razors. I tested it against some of my best DE razors, and it came out on top, always delivering a superior, smooth, and closer shave than my other razors, no matter which de razor blade I used. It’s a piece of art with precision construction and a highly polished finish. It has excellent grip, is wonderfully balanced and a pleasure to hold while shaving. Its perfect blade gap and blade exposure always deliver a very close and smooth shave. Whether you're looking for your first razor or adding to your collection, this is definitely one to buy and worth the price.

Larry Land
Velocity One Review

All I can say is WOW. The shave is amazing, and the craftsmanship is outstanding. The combination of surface textures reminds me of my Grand Seiko watches. Expensive, but pay once, cry once. I am very happy with my purchase.

Mario Pring
Hands down the best out there

Missed out on the first run, but I made sure if ever there was a second run I’d make sure acquiring it is my top priority. Finally I have it, from the unboxing experience to handling it; this thing is oozing with quality & purposeful design. I now look forward on not getting nicked, nor having a bloody shaving session. This is hands down the best razor shaver out there! Love it, and it’s worth every penny!

Cristian Pirola

Una vera meraviglia di ingegno e fabbricazione, curato fin nei piu piccoli dettagli. Sul viso la lama scorre dolce e il suo taglio è dolce, preciso e profondo. Il più bel rasoio che possiedo.

José Antonio
Una maravilla, una obra de arte, un afeitado sin igual !

Antes de nada, quería dar las gracias a Manuel por su amabilidad y saber estar, siempre me ha contestado y ayudado frente a mis dudas.

El envío y recepción, pese a estar en Alicante (España), ha sido como estar a pocos kilómetros. Rápido y sencillo.

He tenido otras maquinillas, pero está no solo es la más bonita y con más calidad de todas, sino que es efectiva desde el primer afeitado. Yo tengo la piel muy fina, y dejándola llevar con su peso, consigo un afeitado perfecto.

Nada más sacarla de la caja, se siente en el tacto que es algo diferente y atemporal. Su peso y agarre excelentes. Su diseño y su pulido, hacen que una vez en el stand se pueda contemplar como una obra de arte.

Viene en su caja con una magnífica presentación, documentación y número de serie tanto en ella como en la misma Velocity-ONE grabado con láser. Pequeños detalles que la hacen aún más grande.

Para los indecisos, que se lo puedan permitir, no dudar, pues pensar que para la mayoría de nosotros el afeitarse es una casi necesidad, bien cada 2, 3 o 4 días. Y si se hace con la Velocity-ONE será un momento de paz que en estos tiempos que vivimos en más necesario de lo que podemos pensar.

Aquí os dejo una imagen de ese pequeño lugar donde va a pasar muchísimo tiempo, pues es algo eterno os lo aseguro.

Gracias de nuevo a todo el equipo Tedalus y Manuel, por esta maravillosa pieza y espero que no solo quede ahí, y continuéis con el mismo saber hacer. Espero noticias de nuevos productos y aquí tenéis un cliente fiel.

Super amazing

This razor is fantastic! I get a perfect shave every time I use it. It looks sleek and fits perfectly in my hand, with just the right weight. You can tell that the creator put much effort into designing this razor. The geometry of the soap channels and the smooth, rounded edges make it a wonder to behold. The finish is incredibly polished, soft, and slick, like glass. It makes every other razor I've used seem clunky in comparison. And the shaves I get are incredible. The Velocity-ONE is one of the best razors in my collection. I don't mean to take away from other razor makers, but the Velocity-ONE delivers, especially if you have sensitive skin. You can apply pressure without worrying about getting cut, and it still provides an efficient shave.
The packaging was cool as well. The added serial or lot number and the booklet or certificate of authenticity add a pleasant luxury experience to the razor. I don't know what the packaging adds to the monetary value, but it makes for a conversational piece I genuinely enjoy.
My only riff is that I don't have a stand (it was unavailable at the time of purchase), but Mr. Manuel quickly responded to my email, so hopefully, I will soon have one.
I would not sleep on this one if you enjoy collecting excellent razors.

Simone Funes

good evening Tedalus team, my experience with your razor was positive, it's a fabulous razor, the only thing that perhaps would have been even better was to have 2 models, a standard one and one with a longer handle

Velocity One

I have used the Velocity 13 times now and every shave was to my satisfaction. I have used and still use other different high end razors, but the Velocity is a class of it's own..
Sure it's pricey, sure I have other razors that give me the same comfortable, nice shave, but the shave with the Velocity is the longest lasting!
The craftmenship is outstanding! A pleasure to look at! Thanks!

Charles Evans
The Tedalus Velocity-One Safety Razor

The Tedalus Safety Razor is a true masterpiece, not only does it perform well, the fit and finish is outstanding. It’s the perfect combination of brushed and polished finish. I own several safety razors, but this is my favorite. It has the perfect blade feel depending on the blade used. The Feather blade cuts to perfection in this Velocity-One Safety Razor. Even though I have multiple safety razors including this one that will outlast me, let me tell you why I bought it. Yes, it’s a beautiful razor with a gorgeous stand that screams “Razor of Razors” that cuts as well as it looks. This razor resembles the Formula One car perfectly without a doubt. I got this razor out of pure inspiration and aspiration. There are many people in this world with brilliant ideals, some go through with their dreams and some their dreams get lost, but for this man to have had a vision and drew up a Formula One Razor, perfected it, had it made, and sold his vision is pure dedication!I don’t know what it cost him to have it done or anything but it got done and I have one! JOB WELL DONE, Mr. Manuel! FEATHER BLADE IN THE COCKPIT READY TO PERFORM!